Monday, February 20, 2012

Just pondering....

You know.....This blog didn't start off as a quilting blog.  At first, I really didn't know what this blog would be about.  General things I life, my progress on the book I am writing, my family and kids, my friends, possibly my feelings for the day.  I am pleased that it does have a more direct path to follow now....what I am doing in my sewing room and my new hobby I love.  I do however wondering where I can post these other things I mentioned.   I suppose I could post those various things here still.  I mean, if you don't want to read about what I've written, you can just click out of it right?  *smile* is where I am in life right now, just in case you haven't clicked away to another website yet.  I am working in a 3rd grade classroom as a teacher's assistant.  I love it.  I keep busy all day long and it lets me do what I love....working with kids.

I am still working on my book.  It is finished however, just need to work on the editing part.  The problem however is that this new hobby of mine, quilting, seems to be getting in the way of it and some other things I use to do to fill my time, such as reading romance novels.  I don't mind that quilting keeps me busy....I love it!

My family and kids keep my busy between running my daughter to tumbling and running my son and daughter both to basketball practices and games.  I don't mind's fun seeing them grow and learn new things.

I really enjoy spending time with my husband but he is a busy man and I respect that.  One of these days we will have more time to spend together!

My quilting has been going great.  I am excited about the projects I have going on right now and the ones I have planned.  Should be a great year.

I do have pictures to post and various other quilting things going on.....but wanted to put this post out there just because I wanted and needed to.

Happy Monday To You All!!!!


sunny said...

Can't wait to see more pictures of what you're up to. I think your blog can be whatever you want it to be. It's your blog, your words, your life. I enjoy reading blogs that are 'real' and aren't too one dimensional, so have fun with it.

QuiltSue said...

I think your blog should be whatever you want. As you say, people can always not read a post if they aren't interested in the topic, but everything you write about is what makes you you, if you see what I mean. Just let it take you where you want and enjoy it.

Brandie said...

A book? Wow, I'm impressed. And a little jealous. Someday I hope to be were you are. I'd also love to hear more about this book.